We recommend adding unit tests to all of your components in a project as soon as possible. Implementing unit tests not only ensures that your component works, but it also makes the project more maintainable in the long run as you will be notified when a component breaks.
This page describes how to add a unit test to your component.
Create unit test
Below is an example of how to add a unit test to a Viash component.
meta_executable = "target/example_bash"
echo ">>> Create input test file"
echo "foo" > foo.txt
echo ">>> Run executable"
$meta_executable --input foo.txt --output bar.txt
echo ">>> Check whether output file exists"
[[ -f bar.txt ]] ( echo "Output file could not be found!" && exit 1)
echo ">>> Check whether input and output file are the same"
cmp foo.txt bar.tx ( echo "Input and output files are different!" && exit 1)
echo ">>> Test finished successfully"
using System;
using System. IO ;
using System. Diagnostics ;
var meta = new {
executable = "target/example_csharp"
string inputPath = "foo.txt" ;
string outputPath = "bar.txt" ;
string content = "hello \n there \n " ;
Console. WriteLine ( ">>> Create input test file" );
File. WriteAllText ( inputPath, content);
Console. WriteLine ( ">>> Run executable" );
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo ( meta. executable )
Arguments = $"--input {inputPath} --output {outputPath}" ,
UseShellExecute = false ,
RedirectStandardOutput = true ,
CreateNoWindow = true
using ( var cmd = Process. Start ( startInfo))
cmd. WaitForExit ();
Console. WriteLine ( ">>> Check whether output file exists" );
if (! File. Exists ( outputPath)) {
Console. WriteLine ( "Output file was not found" );
Environment. Exit ( 1 );
Console. WriteLine ( ">>> Check whether input and output file are the same" );
var outputLines = File. ReadAllText ( outputPath);
if ( content != outputLines) {
Console. WriteLine (
"Input and output should be the same \n " +
$"expected content: {content} \n " +
$"found: {outputLines} \n "
Environment. Exit ( 1 );
Console. WriteLine ( ">>> Test finished successfully" );
const fs = require ('fs' );
const child_process = require ('child_process' );
let meta = {
'executable' : 'target/example_js'
const inputPath = 'foo.txt' ;
const outputPath = 'bar.txt' ;
const content = 'hello \n there \n ' ;
console . log ('>>> Create input test file' );
fs. writeFileSync (inputPath, content, 'utf8' );
console . log ('>>> Run executable' );
const cmdArgs = [
'--input' , inputPath,
'--output' , outputPath
const child = child_process. spawnSync (meta["executable" ], cmdArgs);
if (child. error ) {
console . error (`Error: ${ child. error } ` );
process . exit (1 );
console . log ('>>> Check whether output file exists' );
if (! fs. existsSync (outputPath)) {
console . error ('Output file was not found' );
process . exit (1 );
console . log ('>>> Check whether input and output file are the same' );
const outputLines = fs. readFileSync (outputPath, 'utf8' );
if (content !== outputLines) {
console . error (
`Input and output should be the same \n ` +
`expected content: ${ content}\n ` +
`found: ${ outputLines}\n `
process . exit (1 );
console . log ('>>> Test finished successfully' );
import subprocess
import os
input_path = "foo.txt"
output_path = "bar.txt"
content = "hello \n there \n "
meta = {
"executable" : "target/example_python"
print (">>> Create input test file" )
with open (input_path, "w" ) as file :
file .write(content)
print (">>> Run executable" )
cmd_args = [
meta["executable" ],
"--input" , input_path,
"--output" , output_path
subprocess.run(cmd_args, check= True )
print (">>> Check whether output file exists" )
assert os.path.exists(output_path), "Output file was not found"
print (">>> Check whether input and output file are the same" )
with open (output_path, "r" , encoding= "utf8" ) as file :
output_lines = file .read()
assert content == output_lines, \
"Input and output should be the same" \
f"expected content: { content} " \
f"found: { output_lines} "
print (">>> Test finished successfully" )
meta <- list (
input_path <- "foo.txt"
output_path <- "bar.txt"
content <- c ("hello" , "there" )
cat (">>> Create input test file \n " )
writeLines (content, input_path)
cat (">>> Run executable \n " )
system2 (
meta$ executable,
c (
"--input" , input_path,
"--output" , output_path
cat (">>> Check whether output file exists \n " )
if (! file.exists (output_path)) {
stop ("Output file was not found" )
cat (">>> Check whether input and output file are the same \n " )
output_lines <- readLines (output_path)
if (! identical (content, output_lines)) {
stop (paste0 (
"Input and output should be the same \n " ,
"expected content: " , content, " \n " ,
"found: " , output_lines, " \n "
cat (">>> Test finished successfully \n " )
import scala. sys. process. _
import java. nio. file.{ Files, Paths}
import scala. io. Source
case class ViashMeta ( executable: String )
val meta = ViashMeta (
val inputPath = Paths. get ( "foo.txt" )
val outputPath = Paths. get ( "bar.txt" )
val content = "hello \n there"
println ( ">>> Create input test file" )
Files. write ( inputPath, content. getBytes ( "UTF-8" ))
println ( ">>> Run executable" )
s"${ meta. executable} --input $inputPath --output $outputPath" .!
println ( ">>> Check whether output file exists" )
assert ( Files. exists ( outputPath), "Output file not found" )
println ( ">>> Check whether input and output file are the same" )
val outputLines = Source . fromFile ( outputPath. toFile ()). getLines. mkString ( " \n " )
assert (
content == outputLines,
s""" Output not the same
expected: ' $content '
found: ' $outputLines '
""" . stripMargin
println ( ">>> Test finished successfully" )
Create an input file “foo.txt” with some sample content.
Run an executable file specified in the “meta” dictionary with the arguments “–input foo.txt” and “–output bar.txt”.
Check whether the output file “bar.txt” exists.
Check whether the content of the output file is the same as the content of the input file.
If both checks pass, the script prints “Test finished successfully”.
A test script doesn’t need to be written in the same scripting language as the main script, as long as all of the required dependencies are available. This means the main script could be written in R, but the unit test could be written in Bash.
Add test to config
Next, we need to add the unit test to the test_resources
section in the Viash config.
name : example_bash
description : A minimal example component.
arguments :
- type : file
name : --input
example : file.txt
required : true
- type : file
name : --output
direction : output
example : output.txt
required : true
resources :
- type : bash_script
path : script.sh
engines :
- type : docker
image : bash:4.0
- type : native
runners :
- type : executable
- type : nextflow
test_resources :
- type : bash_script
path : test.sh
name : example_csharp
description : A minimal example component.
arguments :
- type : file
name : --input
example : file.txt
required : true
- type : file
name : --output
direction : output
example : output.txt
required : true
resources :
- type : csharp_script
path : script.csx
engines :
- type : docker
image : ghcr.io/data-intuitive/dotnet-script:1.3.1
- type : native
runners :
- type : executable
- type : nextflow
test_resources :
- type : csharp_script
path : test.csx
name : example_js
description : A minimal example component.
arguments :
- type : file
name : --input
example : file.txt
required : true
- type : file
name : --output
direction : output
example : output.txt
required : true
resources :
- type : javascript_script
path : script.js
engines :
- type : docker
image : node:19-bullseye-slim
- type : native
runners :
- type : executable
- type : nextflow
test_resources :
- type : javascript_script
path : test.js
name : example_python
description : A minimal example component.
arguments :
- type : file
name : --input
example : file.txt
required : true
- type : file
name : --output
direction : output
example : output.txt
required : true
resources :
- type : python_script
path : script.py
engines :
- type : docker
image : python:3.10-slim
- type : native
runners :
- type : executable
- type : nextflow
test_resources :
- type : python_script
path : test.py
name : example_r
description : A minimal example component.
arguments :
- type : file
name : --input
example : file.txt
required : true
- type : file
name : --output
direction : output
example : output.txt
required : true
resources :
- type : r_script
path : script.R
engines :
- type : docker
image : eddelbuettel/r2u:22.04
- type : native
runners :
- type : executable
- type : nextflow
test_resources :
- type : r_script
path : test.R
name : example_scala
description : A minimal example component.
arguments :
- type : file
name : --input
example : file.txt
required : true
- type : file
name : --output
direction : output
example : output.txt
required : true
resources :
- type : scala_script
path : script.scala
engines :
- type : docker
image : sbtscala/scala-sbt:eclipse-temurin-19_36_1.7.2_2.13.10
- type : native
runners :
- type : executable
- type : nextflow
test_resources :
- type : scala_script
path : test.scala
Note that if you can add multiple unit tests to the test_resources
section, they will all be evaluated. You can also add other resources, similar to what is described in the page on adding resources .
Run the unit test
You can run the unit test as follows:
viash test config.vsh.yaml
Running tests in temporary directory: '/tmp/viash_test_example_bash_5724909700089569385'
+/tmp/viash_test_example_bash_5724909700089569385/build_engine_environment/example_bash ---verbosity 6 ---setup cachedbuild ---engine docker
[notice] Building container 'example_bash:test' with Dockerfile
[info] docker build -t 'example_bash:test' '/tmp/viash_test_example_bash_5724909700089569385/build_engine_environment' -f '/tmp/viash_test_example_bash_5724909700089569385/build_engine_environment/tmp/dockerbuild-example_bash-3UOHmS/Dockerfile'
#0 building with "default" instance using docker driver
#1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
#1 transferring dockerfile: 276B done
#1 DONE 0.0s
#2 [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/bash:4.0
#2 DONE 0.4s
#3 [internal] load .dockerignore
#3 transferring context: 2B done
#3 DONE 0.0s
#4 [1/1] FROM docker.io/library/bash:4.0@sha256:b61057f9a1241d9a6cc5c89f4e8b2b0a3356c351fc7d671f519f026553c6fb4f
#4 resolve docker.io/library/bash:4.0@sha256:b61057f9a1241d9a6cc5c89f4e8b2b0a3356c351fc7d671f519f026553c6fb4f done
#4 extracting sha256:38a8310d387e375e0ec6fabe047a9149e8eb214073db9f461fee6251fd936a75
#4 sha256:b9849543a764bf2924a15efbc0336a91840b91f0ae5b8091c2d23522249c8cb8 5.26kB / 5.26kB done
#4 sha256:38a8310d387e375e0ec6fabe047a9149e8eb214073db9f461fee6251fd936a75 3.64MB / 3.64MB 0.1s done
#4 sha256:f8d5b476b39b32e5e866350cc4e2a973937b6001694cdf142857ad6ad8c58e16 1.59kB / 1.59kB 0.1s done
#4 sha256:726a718c227b092529ec8b88abae4bac8465283c1cffa01f63d5cf1c15f68c91 0B / 1.69MB 0.1s
#4 sha256:a54a3993784dc0e18b24547082b9827c6241e8dd2d17b08e3ca36543f89def27 0B / 338B 0.1s
#4 sha256:b61057f9a1241d9a6cc5c89f4e8b2b0a3356c351fc7d671f519f026553c6fb4f 10.06kB / 10.06kB done
#4 sha256:520a936c9d25fee006829160a5395d4c8dfd60f2335d50de3349386c85515abf 1.70kB / 1.70kB done
#4 extracting sha256:38a8310d387e375e0ec6fabe047a9149e8eb214073db9f461fee6251fd936a75 0.1s done
#4 sha256:726a718c227b092529ec8b88abae4bac8465283c1cffa01f63d5cf1c15f68c91 1.69MB / 1.69MB 0.1s done
#4 sha256:a54a3993784dc0e18b24547082b9827c6241e8dd2d17b08e3ca36543f89def27 338B / 338B 0.1s done
#4 extracting sha256:f8d5b476b39b32e5e866350cc4e2a973937b6001694cdf142857ad6ad8c58e16 done
#4 extracting sha256:726a718c227b092529ec8b88abae4bac8465283c1cffa01f63d5cf1c15f68c91 0.0s done
#4 extracting sha256:a54a3993784dc0e18b24547082b9827c6241e8dd2d17b08e3ca36543f89def27 done
#4 DONE 0.3s
#5 exporting to image
#5 exporting layers done
#5 writing image sha256:ee61a2da49499cde92c1fe9ba40daf70a7ec0435f3f9e27c10347947dac31191 done
#5 naming to docker.io/library/example_bash:test done
#5 DONE 0.0s
>>> Create input test file
>>> Run executable
Copying 'foo.txt' to 'bar.txt'.
>>> Check whether output file exists
>>> Check whether input and output file are the same
>>> Test finished successfully
SUCCESS! All 1 out of 1 test scripts succeeded!
Cleaning up temporary directory
viash test config.vsh.yaml
Running tests in temporary directory: '/tmp/viash_test_example_csharp_12442523632690634123'
+/tmp/viash_test_example_csharp_12442523632690634123/build_engine_environment/example_csharp ---verbosity 6 ---setup cachedbuild ---engine docker
[notice] Building container 'example_csharp:test' with Dockerfile
[info] docker build -t 'example_csharp:test' '/tmp/viash_test_example_csharp_12442523632690634123/build_engine_environment' -f '/tmp/viash_test_example_csharp_12442523632690634123/build_engine_environment/tmp/dockerbuild-example_csharp-1ZTUdo/Dockerfile'
#0 building with "default" instance using docker driver
#1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
#1 transferring dockerfile: 312B done
#1 DONE 0.0s
#2 [internal] load metadata for ghcr.io/data-intuitive/dotnet-script:1.3.1
#2 DONE 0.4s
#3 [internal] load .dockerignore
#3 transferring context: 2B done
#3 DONE 0.0s
#4 [1/1] FROM ghcr.io/data-intuitive/dotnet-script:1.3.1@sha256:d95bf2a2b3e095e5b02960ab4ddd4674d798a1493ed0dc5cf427c77a5ed90ed3
#4 resolve ghcr.io/data-intuitive/dotnet-script:1.3.1@sha256:d95bf2a2b3e095e5b02960ab4ddd4674d798a1493ed0dc5cf427c77a5ed90ed3 done
#4 extracting sha256:df9b9388f04ad6279a7410b85cedfdcb2208c0a003da7ab5613af71079148139
#4 sha256:d772c6b09cca24a6ec7cb06facff8b7be509b608330bd035f91b70388a94d3b4 0B / 31.26MB 0.1s
#4 sha256:df9b9388f04ad6279a7410b85cedfdcb2208c0a003da7ab5613af71079148139 2.81MB / 2.81MB 0.1s done
#4 sha256:d95bf2a2b3e095e5b02960ab4ddd4674d798a1493ed0dc5cf427c77a5ed90ed3 856B / 856B done
#4 sha256:1102243946aeba437ebb7c7ab5559d465d660ed57a1f13888c89692401cd5bb6 7.71kB / 7.71kB done
#4 sha256:3ae3a38ed752842e75d1609c931b29e565b53c24229c87bf1ba64251b5f1f094 0B / 1.74MB 0.1s
#4 sha256:2c56128c63bdf4a1d571ed930304f4eb77e8e2fde7ce03ddf6073e3df9abf8ad 0B / 8.65MB 0.1s
#4 sha256:ae4d45b87ee640aec6f031a1695c6d814e0026ea6fb3220e3daaad90b0f09bda 2.21kB / 2.21kB done
#4 extracting sha256:df9b9388f04ad6279a7410b85cedfdcb2208c0a003da7ab5613af71079148139 0.0s done
#4 sha256:2c56128c63bdf4a1d571ed930304f4eb77e8e2fde7ce03ddf6073e3df9abf8ad 8.65MB / 8.65MB 0.2s done
#4 sha256:6c2be99410893469a9e0d8f0ff537b22f651479bf64c5dcf269d2e5267e85749 0B / 20.91MB 0.2s
#4 sha256:6c2be99410893469a9e0d8f0ff537b22f651479bf64c5dcf269d2e5267e85749 20.91MB / 20.91MB 0.3s
#4 sha256:6c2be99410893469a9e0d8f0ff537b22f651479bf64c5dcf269d2e5267e85749 20.91MB / 20.91MB 0.3s done
#4 sha256:5a0c86bcd85d690fae1d36f59c4041c4142835310a431e3f1b00446763d7db73 0B / 105.91MB 0.4s
#4 extracting sha256:3ae3a38ed752842e75d1609c931b29e565b53c24229c87bf1ba64251b5f1f094
#4 sha256:3ae3a38ed752842e75d1609c931b29e565b53c24229c87bf1ba64251b5f1f094 1.74MB / 1.74MB 0.5s done
#4 sha256:5e733ff9c30825005ec05ee10b784276e8034171be7eeaa10d6f876fc7bb5383 0B / 12.80MB 0.5s
#4 sha256:d772c6b09cca24a6ec7cb06facff8b7be509b608330bd035f91b70388a94d3b4 31.26MB / 31.26MB 0.6s done
#4 sha256:5a0c86bcd85d690fae1d36f59c4041c4142835310a431e3f1b00446763d7db73 50.33MB / 105.91MB 0.7s
#4 extracting sha256:3ae3a38ed752842e75d1609c931b29e565b53c24229c87bf1ba64251b5f1f094 0.1s done
#4 sha256:5e733ff9c30825005ec05ee10b784276e8034171be7eeaa10d6f876fc7bb5383 12.80MB / 12.80MB 0.6s done
#4 sha256:03ac08f8f1d3c646d8f456ad0e2307b56511e692bcef7a4d67ec194ba81f59e7 0B / 103B 0.7s
#4 sha256:4937da28ea60b32af53a8d507ea830228a05f22a7be2ae1ef0134bcd0e3bafba 0B / 68.90MB 0.7s
#4 sha256:16def9f17d8d9988a074a1d3ae42cb041b261068b3a455c99141bb8df243e9a4 829.24kB / 829.24kB 0.7s done
#4 sha256:5a0c86bcd85d690fae1d36f59c4041c4142835310a431e3f1b00446763d7db73 90.18MB / 105.91MB 0.8s
#4 extracting sha256:d772c6b09cca24a6ec7cb06facff8b7be509b608330bd035f91b70388a94d3b4 0.1s
#4 sha256:5a0c86bcd85d690fae1d36f59c4041c4142835310a431e3f1b00446763d7db73 105.91MB / 105.91MB 0.9s done
#4 sha256:03ac08f8f1d3c646d8f456ad0e2307b56511e692bcef7a4d67ec194ba81f59e7 103B / 103B 0.9s done
#4 sha256:4937da28ea60b32af53a8d507ea830228a05f22a7be2ae1ef0134bcd0e3bafba 12.58MB / 68.90MB 0.9s
#4 sha256:4937da28ea60b32af53a8d507ea830228a05f22a7be2ae1ef0134bcd0e3bafba 46.10MB / 68.90MB 1.0s
#4 sha256:4937da28ea60b32af53a8d507ea830228a05f22a7be2ae1ef0134bcd0e3bafba 68.90MB / 68.90MB 1.1s
#4 sha256:4937da28ea60b32af53a8d507ea830228a05f22a7be2ae1ef0134bcd0e3bafba 68.90MB / 68.90MB 1.1s done
#4 extracting sha256:d772c6b09cca24a6ec7cb06facff8b7be509b608330bd035f91b70388a94d3b4 0.4s done
#4 extracting sha256:2c56128c63bdf4a1d571ed930304f4eb77e8e2fde7ce03ddf6073e3df9abf8ad
#4 extracting sha256:2c56128c63bdf4a1d571ed930304f4eb77e8e2fde7ce03ddf6073e3df9abf8ad 0.1s done
#4 extracting sha256:6c2be99410893469a9e0d8f0ff537b22f651479bf64c5dcf269d2e5267e85749 0.1s
#4 extracting sha256:6c2be99410893469a9e0d8f0ff537b22f651479bf64c5dcf269d2e5267e85749 0.2s done
#4 extracting sha256:5a0c86bcd85d690fae1d36f59c4041c4142835310a431e3f1b00446763d7db73
#4 extracting sha256:5a0c86bcd85d690fae1d36f59c4041c4142835310a431e3f1b00446763d7db73 1.8s done
#4 extracting sha256:5e733ff9c30825005ec05ee10b784276e8034171be7eeaa10d6f876fc7bb5383
#4 extracting sha256:5e733ff9c30825005ec05ee10b784276e8034171be7eeaa10d6f876fc7bb5383 0.3s done
#4 extracting sha256:4937da28ea60b32af53a8d507ea830228a05f22a7be2ae1ef0134bcd0e3bafba
#4 extracting sha256:4937da28ea60b32af53a8d507ea830228a05f22a7be2ae1ef0134bcd0e3bafba 0.5s done
#4 extracting sha256:16def9f17d8d9988a074a1d3ae42cb041b261068b3a455c99141bb8df243e9a4
#4 extracting sha256:16def9f17d8d9988a074a1d3ae42cb041b261068b3a455c99141bb8df243e9a4 0.0s done
#4 extracting sha256:03ac08f8f1d3c646d8f456ad0e2307b56511e692bcef7a4d67ec194ba81f59e7 done
#4 DONE 5.0s
#5 exporting to image
#5 exporting layers done
#5 writing image sha256:6609024cbea5b291c61a4ed9b3cae3a83a8ce684c1a590d0a7cb8b63fe01cd08 done
#5 naming to docker.io/library/example_csharp:test done
#5 DONE 0.0s
>>> Create input test file
>>> Run executable
>>> Check whether output file exists
>>> Check whether input and output file are the same
>>> Test finished successfully
SUCCESS! All 1 out of 1 test scripts succeeded!
Cleaning up temporary directory
viash test config.vsh.yaml
Running tests in temporary directory: '/tmp/viash_test_example_js_18046958638353759781'
+/tmp/viash_test_example_js_18046958638353759781/build_engine_environment/example_js ---verbosity 6 ---setup cachedbuild ---engine docker
[notice] Building container 'example_js:test' with Dockerfile
[info] docker build -t 'example_js:test' '/tmp/viash_test_example_js_18046958638353759781/build_engine_environment' -f '/tmp/viash_test_example_js_18046958638353759781/build_engine_environment/tmp/dockerbuild-example_js-yxnBe8/Dockerfile'
#0 building with "default" instance using docker driver
#1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
#1 transferring dockerfile: 287B done
#1 DONE 0.0s
#2 [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/node:19-bullseye-slim
#2 DONE 0.4s
#3 [internal] load .dockerignore
#3 transferring context: 2B done
#3 DONE 0.0s
#4 [1/1] FROM docker.io/library/node:19-bullseye-slim@sha256:f58f1fcf5c9ff9e3752993edb4ed6dbd35697124c85a43f3b97aa054500b0534
#4 resolve docker.io/library/node:19-bullseye-slim@sha256:f58f1fcf5c9ff9e3752993edb4ed6dbd35697124c85a43f3b97aa054500b0534 done
#4 sha256:56db04c463e993ac037103947cd590d52fcddcb17ad04285a0ca4c3510c0738c 0B / 46.62MB 0.1s
#4 sha256:477c7ebfb8500396b86c69952acb17b909a0a63da41e03dd4046e2c809722c6e 0B / 2.76MB 0.1s
#4 sha256:f58f1fcf5c9ff9e3752993edb4ed6dbd35697124c85a43f3b97aa054500b0534 1.21kB / 1.21kB done
#4 sha256:63b5ca0f90dbaf64465a83d46276e133eab30410f642808d158bf98928811999 1.37kB / 1.37kB done
#4 sha256:adbc02574b521bb652d771c8ac0282c724b9fe90c001f3bab0825c32092c9036 6.84kB / 6.84kB done
#4 sha256:f03b40093957615593f2ed142961afb6b540507e0b47e3f7626ba5e02efbbbf1 7.34MB / 31.40MB 0.1s
#4 sha256:0bfad7312c25e414fc3d0e3640a77bd4b5c74d2118595670999afef9758cb49b 4.19kB / 4.19kB 0.1s done
#4 sha256:56db04c463e993ac037103947cd590d52fcddcb17ad04285a0ca4c3510c0738c 13.63MB / 46.62MB 0.2s
#4 sha256:477c7ebfb8500396b86c69952acb17b909a0a63da41e03dd4046e2c809722c6e 2.76MB / 2.76MB 0.2s done
#4 sha256:f03b40093957615593f2ed142961afb6b540507e0b47e3f7626ba5e02efbbbf1 19.92MB / 31.40MB 0.2s
#4 sha256:8bb4aa3e51be63d4a2e5bd30ab9cd478a916ed3c5c0212a44b96fd743e0e0f2f 0B / 450B 0.2s
#4 extracting sha256:f03b40093957615593f2ed142961afb6b540507e0b47e3f7626ba5e02efbbbf1
#4 sha256:56db04c463e993ac037103947cd590d52fcddcb17ad04285a0ca4c3510c0738c 35.65MB / 46.62MB 0.3s
#4 sha256:f03b40093957615593f2ed142961afb6b540507e0b47e3f7626ba5e02efbbbf1 31.40MB / 31.40MB 0.3s done
#4 sha256:8bb4aa3e51be63d4a2e5bd30ab9cd478a916ed3c5c0212a44b96fd743e0e0f2f 450B / 450B 0.2s done
#4 sha256:56db04c463e993ac037103947cd590d52fcddcb17ad04285a0ca4c3510c0738c 46.62MB / 46.62MB 0.4s
#4 sha256:56db04c463e993ac037103947cd590d52fcddcb17ad04285a0ca4c3510c0738c 46.62MB / 46.62MB 0.4s done
#4 extracting sha256:f03b40093957615593f2ed142961afb6b540507e0b47e3f7626ba5e02efbbbf1 1.1s done
#4 extracting sha256:0bfad7312c25e414fc3d0e3640a77bd4b5c74d2118595670999afef9758cb49b done
#4 extracting sha256:56db04c463e993ac037103947cd590d52fcddcb17ad04285a0ca4c3510c0738c
#4 extracting sha256:56db04c463e993ac037103947cd590d52fcddcb17ad04285a0ca4c3510c0738c 1.7s done
#4 extracting sha256:477c7ebfb8500396b86c69952acb17b909a0a63da41e03dd4046e2c809722c6e
#4 extracting sha256:477c7ebfb8500396b86c69952acb17b909a0a63da41e03dd4046e2c809722c6e 0.0s done
#4 extracting sha256:8bb4aa3e51be63d4a2e5bd30ab9cd478a916ed3c5c0212a44b96fd743e0e0f2f done
#4 DONE 3.6s
#5 exporting to image
#5 exporting layers done
#5 writing image sha256:e8de4af5166c50616d5a177f4f5ab69a7107d73706600a775a6b70bf244a4307 done
#5 naming to docker.io/library/example_js:test done
#5 DONE 0.0s
>>> Create input test file
>>> Run executable
>>> Check whether output file exists
>>> Check whether input and output file are the same
>>> Test finished successfully
SUCCESS! All 1 out of 1 test scripts succeeded!
Cleaning up temporary directory
viash test config.vsh.yaml
Running tests in temporary directory: '/tmp/viash_test_example_python_2670349122461431850'
+/tmp/viash_test_example_python_2670349122461431850/build_engine_environment/example_python ---verbosity 6 ---setup cachedbuild ---engine docker
[notice] Building container 'example_python:test' with Dockerfile
[info] docker build -t 'example_python:test' '/tmp/viash_test_example_python_2670349122461431850/build_engine_environment' -f '/tmp/viash_test_example_python_2670349122461431850/build_engine_environment/tmp/dockerbuild-example_python-G0nHon/Dockerfile'
#0 building with "default" instance using docker driver
#1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
#1 transferring dockerfile: 286B done
#1 DONE 0.0s
#2 [auth] library/python:pull token for registry-1.docker.io
#2 DONE 0.0s
#3 [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/python:3.10-slim
#3 DONE 0.4s
#4 [internal] load .dockerignore
#4 transferring context: 2B done
#4 DONE 0.0s
#5 [1/1] FROM docker.io/library/python:3.10-slim@sha256:61912260e578182d00b5e163eb4cfb13b35fb8782c98d1df9ed584cec8939097
#5 resolve docker.io/library/python:3.10-slim@sha256:61912260e578182d00b5e163eb4cfb13b35fb8782c98d1df9ed584cec8939097 done
#5 sha256:0b70c1dc432a4b91f96b87fdda8a864506f2180f7af5930991ac943757ac8380 1.75kB / 1.75kB done
#5 sha256:aa2226ac368c68bbf6f907bdbcfbf17b21e49ccdbda029fe358c8c47cb0a9b53 5.29kB / 5.29kB done
#5 sha256:bc0965b23a04fe7f2d9fb20f597008fcf89891de1c705ffc1c80483a1f098e4f 11.53MB / 28.23MB 0.1s
#5 sha256:001d4fb7b6fb2529c5e88cbf960e23e692c16cdf8638587ab9150833d583f90a 0B / 3.32MB 0.1s
#5 sha256:67d013e02b44e6d022d71c2d51237def2db4e6a6a6a3bf3bb4ef5e082bdd364d 0B / 15.65MB 0.1s
#5 sha256:61912260e578182d00b5e163eb4cfb13b35fb8782c98d1df9ed584cec8939097 9.13kB / 9.13kB done
#5 sha256:bc0965b23a04fe7f2d9fb20f597008fcf89891de1c705ffc1c80483a1f098e4f 28.23MB / 28.23MB 0.2s
#5 sha256:001d4fb7b6fb2529c5e88cbf960e23e692c16cdf8638587ab9150833d583f90a 3.32MB / 3.32MB 0.1s done
#5 sha256:67d013e02b44e6d022d71c2d51237def2db4e6a6a6a3bf3bb4ef5e082bdd364d 14.68MB / 15.65MB 0.2s
#5 sha256:b298330270d759b7bdb711914d8f610c726081d42521cf219e841750a4f4dd81 250B / 250B 0.2s done
#5 extracting sha256:bc0965b23a04fe7f2d9fb20f597008fcf89891de1c705ffc1c80483a1f098e4f
#5 sha256:bc0965b23a04fe7f2d9fb20f597008fcf89891de1c705ffc1c80483a1f098e4f 28.23MB / 28.23MB 0.2s done
#5 sha256:67d013e02b44e6d022d71c2d51237def2db4e6a6a6a3bf3bb4ef5e082bdd364d 15.65MB / 15.65MB 0.2s done
#5 extracting sha256:bc0965b23a04fe7f2d9fb20f597008fcf89891de1c705ffc1c80483a1f098e4f 1.0s done
#5 extracting sha256:001d4fb7b6fb2529c5e88cbf960e23e692c16cdf8638587ab9150833d583f90a
#5 extracting sha256:001d4fb7b6fb2529c5e88cbf960e23e692c16cdf8638587ab9150833d583f90a 0.1s done
#5 extracting sha256:67d013e02b44e6d022d71c2d51237def2db4e6a6a6a3bf3bb4ef5e082bdd364d
#5 extracting sha256:67d013e02b44e6d022d71c2d51237def2db4e6a6a6a3bf3bb4ef5e082bdd364d 0.6s done
#5 extracting sha256:b298330270d759b7bdb711914d8f610c726081d42521cf219e841750a4f4dd81
#5 extracting sha256:b298330270d759b7bdb711914d8f610c726081d42521cf219e841750a4f4dd81 done
#5 DONE 2.2s
#6 exporting to image
#6 exporting layers done
#6 writing image sha256:a8dddfb52182189cb4acba66791d4ba8c09514b48b7f7521dc9e921c30e16b08 done
#6 naming to docker.io/library/example_python:test done
#6 DONE 0.0s
Copying 'foo.txt' to 'bar.txt'.
>>> Create input test file
>>> Run executable
>>> Check whether output file exists
>>> Check whether input and output file are the same
>>> Test finished successfully
SUCCESS! All 1 out of 1 test scripts succeeded!
Cleaning up temporary directory
viash test config.vsh.yaml
Running tests in temporary directory: '/tmp/viash_test_example_r_5867189701638764610'
+/tmp/viash_test_example_r_5867189701638764610/build_engine_environment/example_r ---verbosity 6 ---setup cachedbuild ---engine docker
[notice] Building container 'example_r:test' with Dockerfile
[info] docker build -t 'example_r:test' '/tmp/viash_test_example_r_5867189701638764610/build_engine_environment' -f '/tmp/viash_test_example_r_5867189701638764610/build_engine_environment/tmp/dockerbuild-example_r-iho6tk/Dockerfile'
#0 building with "default" instance using docker driver
#1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
#1 transferring dockerfile: 287B done
#1 DONE 0.0s
#2 [internal] load metadata for docker.io/eddelbuettel/r2u:22.04
#2 DONE 0.2s
#3 [internal] load .dockerignore
#3 transferring context: 2B done
#3 DONE 0.0s
#4 [1/1] FROM docker.io/eddelbuettel/r2u:22.04@sha256:29c9ed52f08adc6b6fa757813978afb728923c46137dde3baced8da8b2ed7fd7
#4 resolve docker.io/eddelbuettel/r2u:22.04@sha256:29c9ed52f08adc6b6fa757813978afb728923c46137dde3baced8da8b2ed7fd7 done
#4 sha256:29c9ed52f08adc6b6fa757813978afb728923c46137dde3baced8da8b2ed7fd7 954B / 954B done
#4 sha256:bd3d38475b336025f04570f1b92677396fd2db52b112fcea432384d2dcdebcbd 5.87kB / 5.87kB done
#4 sha256:e96e057aae67380a4ddb16c337c5c3669d97fdff69ec537f02aa2cc30d814281 9.44MB / 30.43MB 0.1s
#4 sha256:fac7c5f773180cb2cca5f6ceb1e6276a3073861a833f8f5facdacd1f0d1cebf7 2.10MB / 70.13MB 0.1s
#4 sha256:50c5cc56e70b6a250bcf3c3aa5938e910c7d3af7c6f7059be32acec0fed1ed30 0B / 233.38MB 0.1s
#4 sha256:e96e057aae67380a4ddb16c337c5c3669d97fdff69ec537f02aa2cc30d814281 30.43MB / 30.43MB 0.3s done
#4 sha256:fac7c5f773180cb2cca5f6ceb1e6276a3073861a833f8f5facdacd1f0d1cebf7 41.72MB / 70.13MB 0.3s
#4 sha256:50c5cc56e70b6a250bcf3c3aa5938e910c7d3af7c6f7059be32acec0fed1ed30 28.31MB / 233.38MB 0.3s
#4 sha256:fac7c5f773180cb2cca5f6ceb1e6276a3073861a833f8f5facdacd1f0d1cebf7 59.77MB / 70.13MB 0.4s
#4 sha256:50c5cc56e70b6a250bcf3c3aa5938e910c7d3af7c6f7059be32acec0fed1ed30 50.33MB / 233.38MB 0.4s
#4 extracting sha256:e96e057aae67380a4ddb16c337c5c3669d97fdff69ec537f02aa2cc30d814281 0.1s
#4 sha256:fac7c5f773180cb2cca5f6ceb1e6276a3073861a833f8f5facdacd1f0d1cebf7 70.13MB / 70.13MB 0.5s
#4 sha256:50c5cc56e70b6a250bcf3c3aa5938e910c7d3af7c6f7059be32acec0fed1ed30 72.35MB / 233.38MB 0.5s
#4 sha256:fac7c5f773180cb2cca5f6ceb1e6276a3073861a833f8f5facdacd1f0d1cebf7 70.13MB / 70.13MB 0.5s done
#4 sha256:50c5cc56e70b6a250bcf3c3aa5938e910c7d3af7c6f7059be32acec0fed1ed30 93.32MB / 233.38MB 0.7s
#4 sha256:50c5cc56e70b6a250bcf3c3aa5938e910c7d3af7c6f7059be32acec0fed1ed30 117.44MB / 233.38MB 0.9s
#4 sha256:50c5cc56e70b6a250bcf3c3aa5938e910c7d3af7c6f7059be32acec0fed1ed30 131.07MB / 233.38MB 1.0s
#4 sha256:50c5cc56e70b6a250bcf3c3aa5938e910c7d3af7c6f7059be32acec0fed1ed30 158.33MB / 233.38MB 1.2s
#4 extracting sha256:e96e057aae67380a4ddb16c337c5c3669d97fdff69ec537f02aa2cc30d814281 1.0s done
#4 extracting sha256:fac7c5f773180cb2cca5f6ceb1e6276a3073861a833f8f5facdacd1f0d1cebf7
#4 sha256:50c5cc56e70b6a250bcf3c3aa5938e910c7d3af7c6f7059be32acec0fed1ed30 216.01MB / 233.38MB 1.5s
#4 sha256:50c5cc56e70b6a250bcf3c3aa5938e910c7d3af7c6f7059be32acec0fed1ed30 233.38MB / 233.38MB 1.6s
#4 sha256:50c5cc56e70b6a250bcf3c3aa5938e910c7d3af7c6f7059be32acec0fed1ed30 233.38MB / 233.38MB 1.9s done
#4 extracting sha256:fac7c5f773180cb2cca5f6ceb1e6276a3073861a833f8f5facdacd1f0d1cebf7 1.4s done
#4 extracting sha256:50c5cc56e70b6a250bcf3c3aa5938e910c7d3af7c6f7059be32acec0fed1ed30
#4 extracting sha256:50c5cc56e70b6a250bcf3c3aa5938e910c7d3af7c6f7059be32acec0fed1ed30 4.9s done
#4 DONE 9.4s
#5 exporting to image
#5 exporting layers done
#5 writing image sha256:75f10551635bd729fc7bd131c05a2454e4e444530095f74e30836532d64438fe done
#5 naming to docker.io/library/example_r:test done
#5 DONE 0.0s
>>> Create input test file
>>> Run executable
Copying 'foo.txt' to 'bar.txt'.
[1] TRUE
>>> Check whether output file exists
>>> Check whether input and output file are the same
>>> Test finished successfully
SUCCESS! All 1 out of 1 test scripts succeeded!
Cleaning up temporary directory
viash test config.vsh.yaml
Running tests in temporary directory: '/tmp/viash_test_example_scala_853777390345254729'
+/tmp/viash_test_example_scala_853777390345254729/build_engine_environment/example_scala ---verbosity 6 ---setup cachedbuild ---engine docker
[notice] Building container 'example_scala:test' with Dockerfile
[info] docker build -t 'example_scala:test' '/tmp/viash_test_example_scala_853777390345254729/build_engine_environment' -f '/tmp/viash_test_example_scala_853777390345254729/build_engine_environment/tmp/dockerbuild-example_scala-qTFZMo/Dockerfile'
#0 building with "default" instance using docker driver
#1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
#1 transferring dockerfile: 323B done
#1 DONE 0.0s
#2 [internal] load metadata for docker.io/sbtscala/scala-sbt:eclipse-temurin-19_36_1.7.2_2.13.10
#2 DONE 0.3s
#3 [internal] load .dockerignore
#3 transferring context: 2B done
#3 DONE 0.0s
#4 [1/1] FROM docker.io/sbtscala/scala-sbt:eclipse-temurin-19_36_1.7.2_2.13.10@sha256:440234e283754375d5ab6bcb35e2d470f9dabeaaeb639d8c0708fac2d3707e0c
#4 resolve docker.io/sbtscala/scala-sbt:eclipse-temurin-19_36_1.7.2_2.13.10@sha256:440234e283754375d5ab6bcb35e2d470f9dabeaaeb639d8c0708fac2d3707e0c done
#4 sha256:440234e283754375d5ab6bcb35e2d470f9dabeaaeb639d8c0708fac2d3707e0c 743B / 743B done
#4 sha256:76808e2ea8df2d9cac1d275426e51a2190369f706076c55ac2da3823bef0a019 10.89kB / 10.89kB done
#4 sha256:5fb9fa7513e6a72bf7daf0a75e97c441f1ed7ff69c8609d1c429fdf3a6dc846b 0B / 200.85MB 0.1s
#4 sha256:06478611ba16efc6663ccf5f22a29c990c53aed6848bc58c54c67dc32d8aef13 3.04kB / 3.04kB done
#4 sha256:301a8b74f71f85f3a31e9c7e7fedd5b001ead5bcf895bc2911c1d260e06bd987 3.15MB / 30.43MB 0.1s
#4 sha256:c5c735a83dbd58e1c83f8d52abdc51068e27c00405f53d59802d4954a6b5398a 0B / 16.99MB 0.1s
#4 sha256:5fb9fa7513e6a72bf7daf0a75e97c441f1ed7ff69c8609d1c429fdf3a6dc846b 10.49MB / 200.85MB 0.2s
#4 sha256:301a8b74f71f85f3a31e9c7e7fedd5b001ead5bcf895bc2911c1d260e06bd987 13.63MB / 30.43MB 0.2s
#4 sha256:c5c735a83dbd58e1c83f8d52abdc51068e27c00405f53d59802d4954a6b5398a 16.99MB / 16.99MB 0.2s
#4 sha256:5fb9fa7513e6a72bf7daf0a75e97c441f1ed7ff69c8609d1c429fdf3a6dc846b 22.02MB / 200.85MB 0.3s
#4 sha256:301a8b74f71f85f3a31e9c7e7fedd5b001ead5bcf895bc2911c1d260e06bd987 28.31MB / 30.43MB 0.3s
#4 sha256:c5c735a83dbd58e1c83f8d52abdc51068e27c00405f53d59802d4954a6b5398a 16.99MB / 16.99MB 0.2s done
#4 sha256:2af8e2a543d81b57575a2e457bd1e98ffc061b15639dac3be5ff6c2702b9ea1a 175B / 175B 0.3s done
#4 sha256:14d68137d870fdc4bc849fbe5c5571ca3e6d9a7b2c5bf1c7e928ccf716dd3b4a 0B / 29.75MB 0.3s
#4 extracting sha256:301a8b74f71f85f3a31e9c7e7fedd5b001ead5bcf895bc2911c1d260e06bd987
#4 sha256:301a8b74f71f85f3a31e9c7e7fedd5b001ead5bcf895bc2911c1d260e06bd987 30.43MB / 30.43MB 0.3s done
#4 sha256:14d68137d870fdc4bc849fbe5c5571ca3e6d9a7b2c5bf1c7e928ccf716dd3b4a 10.49MB / 29.75MB 0.4s
#4 sha256:320659737461e071e3d809231861a7487daaa79805c57f97015ff020f34a939a 2.84MB / 23.71MB 0.4s
#4 sha256:5fb9fa7513e6a72bf7daf0a75e97c441f1ed7ff69c8609d1c429fdf3a6dc846b 39.85MB / 200.85MB 0.5s
#4 sha256:320659737461e071e3d809231861a7487daaa79805c57f97015ff020f34a939a 17.92MB / 23.71MB 0.5s
#4 sha256:14d68137d870fdc4bc849fbe5c5571ca3e6d9a7b2c5bf1c7e928ccf716dd3b4a 13.63MB / 29.75MB 0.6s
#4 sha256:320659737461e071e3d809231861a7487daaa79805c57f97015ff020f34a939a 23.71MB / 23.71MB 0.5s done
#4 sha256:1dea7716181a505cea41832dc84691b858a8f64471cb352d8c29cec06e428aeb 0B / 40.48MB 0.6s
#4 sha256:5fb9fa7513e6a72bf7daf0a75e97c441f1ed7ff69c8609d1c429fdf3a6dc846b 57.67MB / 200.85MB 0.7s
#4 sha256:14d68137d870fdc4bc849fbe5c5571ca3e6d9a7b2c5bf1c7e928ccf716dd3b4a 26.21MB / 29.75MB 0.7s
#4 sha256:1dea7716181a505cea41832dc84691b858a8f64471cb352d8c29cec06e428aeb 23.07MB / 40.48MB 0.7s
#4 sha256:5fb9fa7513e6a72bf7daf0a75e97c441f1ed7ff69c8609d1c429fdf3a6dc846b 80.74MB / 200.85MB 0.8s
#4 sha256:14d68137d870fdc4bc849fbe5c5571ca3e6d9a7b2c5bf1c7e928ccf716dd3b4a 29.75MB / 29.75MB 0.8s done
#4 sha256:1dea7716181a505cea41832dc84691b858a8f64471cb352d8c29cec06e428aeb 40.48MB / 40.48MB 0.8s
#4 sha256:c9480a4b593fb5abc117a5e01c80d8495c9fd89e743757730c712545f425c9f3 0B / 183B 0.8s
#4 sha256:5fb9fa7513e6a72bf7daf0a75e97c441f1ed7ff69c8609d1c429fdf3a6dc846b 120.59MB / 200.85MB 1.0s
#4 sha256:1dea7716181a505cea41832dc84691b858a8f64471cb352d8c29cec06e428aeb 40.48MB / 40.48MB 0.8s done
#4 sha256:c9480a4b593fb5abc117a5e01c80d8495c9fd89e743757730c712545f425c9f3 183B / 183B 0.8s done
#4 sha256:812216efaf878f5ff8086b6efdccec1cb090228107efd62db47d048c927c4f6a 4.33kB / 4.33kB 0.9s done
#4 sha256:bb7a0c6ab9c129a399a3c8f034cd0de30406766d61a6694f150b4ab9e64c560c 14.18MB / 214.15MB 1.0s
#4 sha256:4f4fb700ef54461cfa02571ae0db9a0dc1e0cdb5577484a6d75e68dc38e8acc1 32B / 32B 0.9s done
#4 sha256:2c0021742fe2b9491f62c3d89da10492c175081bd17d77efd0f22a298c37ad64 222B / 222B 1.0s done
#4 sha256:5fb9fa7513e6a72bf7daf0a75e97c441f1ed7ff69c8609d1c429fdf3a6dc846b 140.51MB / 200.85MB 1.2s
#4 sha256:bb7a0c6ab9c129a399a3c8f034cd0de30406766d61a6694f150b4ab9e64c560c 29.31MB / 214.15MB 1.2s
#4 sha256:5fb9fa7513e6a72bf7daf0a75e97c441f1ed7ff69c8609d1c429fdf3a6dc846b 158.33MB / 200.85MB 1.3s
#4 sha256:bb7a0c6ab9c129a399a3c8f034cd0de30406766d61a6694f150b4ab9e64c560c 42.99MB / 214.15MB 1.3s
#4 sha256:5fb9fa7513e6a72bf7daf0a75e97c441f1ed7ff69c8609d1c429fdf3a6dc846b 182.45MB / 200.85MB 1.5s
#4 extracting sha256:301a8b74f71f85f3a31e9c7e7fedd5b001ead5bcf895bc2911c1d260e06bd987 1.1s done
#4 sha256:bb7a0c6ab9c129a399a3c8f034cd0de30406766d61a6694f150b4ab9e64c560c 69.21MB / 214.15MB 1.5s
#4 sha256:5fb9fa7513e6a72bf7daf0a75e97c441f1ed7ff69c8609d1c429fdf3a6dc846b 200.85MB / 200.85MB 1.6s
#4 sha256:bb7a0c6ab9c129a399a3c8f034cd0de30406766d61a6694f150b4ab9e64c560c 87.03MB / 214.15MB 1.6s
#4 extracting sha256:c5c735a83dbd58e1c83f8d52abdc51068e27c00405f53d59802d4954a6b5398a 0.1s
#4 sha256:bb7a0c6ab9c129a399a3c8f034cd0de30406766d61a6694f150b4ab9e64c560c 102.76MB / 214.15MB 1.7s
#4 sha256:5fb9fa7513e6a72bf7daf0a75e97c441f1ed7ff69c8609d1c429fdf3a6dc846b 200.85MB / 200.85MB 1.8s done
#4 sha256:bb7a0c6ab9c129a399a3c8f034cd0de30406766d61a6694f150b4ab9e64c560c 142.61MB / 214.15MB 1.9s
#4 sha256:bb7a0c6ab9c129a399a3c8f034cd0de30406766d61a6694f150b4ab9e64c560c 156.24MB / 214.15MB 2.0s
#4 sha256:bb7a0c6ab9c129a399a3c8f034cd0de30406766d61a6694f150b4ab9e64c560c 174.06MB / 214.15MB 2.3s
#4 sha256:bb7a0c6ab9c129a399a3c8f034cd0de30406766d61a6694f150b4ab9e64c560c 192.94MB / 214.15MB 2.4s
#4 sha256:bb7a0c6ab9c129a399a3c8f034cd0de30406766d61a6694f150b4ab9e64c560c 214.15MB / 214.15MB 2.6s
#4 extracting sha256:c5c735a83dbd58e1c83f8d52abdc51068e27c00405f53d59802d4954a6b5398a 0.9s done
#4 sha256:bb7a0c6ab9c129a399a3c8f034cd0de30406766d61a6694f150b4ab9e64c560c 214.15MB / 214.15MB 2.9s done
#4 extracting sha256:5fb9fa7513e6a72bf7daf0a75e97c441f1ed7ff69c8609d1c429fdf3a6dc846b
#4 extracting sha256:5fb9fa7513e6a72bf7daf0a75e97c441f1ed7ff69c8609d1c429fdf3a6dc846b 1.4s done
#4 extracting sha256:2af8e2a543d81b57575a2e457bd1e98ffc061b15639dac3be5ff6c2702b9ea1a
#4 extracting sha256:2af8e2a543d81b57575a2e457bd1e98ffc061b15639dac3be5ff6c2702b9ea1a done
#4 extracting sha256:14d68137d870fdc4bc849fbe5c5571ca3e6d9a7b2c5bf1c7e928ccf716dd3b4a 0.1s
#4 extracting sha256:14d68137d870fdc4bc849fbe5c5571ca3e6d9a7b2c5bf1c7e928ccf716dd3b4a 0.3s done
#4 extracting sha256:320659737461e071e3d809231861a7487daaa79805c57f97015ff020f34a939a
#4 extracting sha256:320659737461e071e3d809231861a7487daaa79805c57f97015ff020f34a939a 0.1s done
#4 extracting sha256:1dea7716181a505cea41832dc84691b858a8f64471cb352d8c29cec06e428aeb 0.1s
#4 extracting sha256:1dea7716181a505cea41832dc84691b858a8f64471cb352d8c29cec06e428aeb 1.1s done
#4 extracting sha256:c9480a4b593fb5abc117a5e01c80d8495c9fd89e743757730c712545f425c9f3
#4 extracting sha256:c9480a4b593fb5abc117a5e01c80d8495c9fd89e743757730c712545f425c9f3 done
#4 extracting sha256:812216efaf878f5ff8086b6efdccec1cb090228107efd62db47d048c927c4f6a done
#4 extracting sha256:4f4fb700ef54461cfa02571ae0db9a0dc1e0cdb5577484a6d75e68dc38e8acc1 done
#4 extracting sha256:bb7a0c6ab9c129a399a3c8f034cd0de30406766d61a6694f150b4ab9e64c560c 0.1s
#4 extracting sha256:bb7a0c6ab9c129a399a3c8f034cd0de30406766d61a6694f150b4ab9e64c560c 1.2s done
#4 extracting sha256:2c0021742fe2b9491f62c3d89da10492c175081bd17d77efd0f22a298c37ad64
#4 extracting sha256:2c0021742fe2b9491f62c3d89da10492c175081bd17d77efd0f22a298c37ad64 done
#4 DONE 8.5s
#5 exporting to image
#5 exporting layers done
#5 writing image sha256:766bca634a4358eaf244bf28dc43a6975c25772a6f6ffea60615794c5bb154ed done
#5 naming to docker.io/library/example_scala:test done
#5 DONE 0.1s
warning: 1 deprecation
warning: 1 deprecation (since 2.13.3)
warning: 2 deprecations in total; re-run with -deprecation for details
>>> Create input test file
>>> Run executable
warning: 1 deprecation; re-run with -deprecation for details
Copying 'foo.txt' to 'bar.txt'.
>>> Check whether output file exists
>>> Check whether input and output file are the same
>>> Test finished successfully
SUCCESS! All 1 out of 1 test scripts succeeded!
Cleaning up temporary directory
When running viash test
, Viash will follow the following steps:
Create a temporary directory
Build the component into the main executable
(Re-)build the Docker image for the component
Iterate over all unit test scripts:
Build the unit test into an executable
Run the unit test, passing the main executable as an argument
Return exit code 0 if all of the above steps succeed, otherwise 0
Bonus: unit testing all of the components
If you have multiple Viash components located in a directory called src/
, what happens when you run the following?
viash ns test --parallel --src src/