Viash Ns Build

Build a namespace from many viash config files.


viash ns build [-n nmspc] [-s src] [-t target] [-p docker] [--setup] [--push] [--parallel] [--flatten]

Argument Description Type
--config_mod, -c Modify a viash config at runtime using dynamic config modding. List[String]
--flatten, -f Flatten the target builds, handy for building one platform to a bin directory. Boolean
--parallel, -l Whether or not to run the process in parallel. Boolean
--platform, -p Acts as a regular expression to filter the platform ids specified in the found config files. If this is not provided, all platforms will be used. If no platforms are defined in a config, the native platform will be used. In addition, the path to a platform yaml file can also be specified. String
--push Whether or not to push the container to a Docker registry [Docker Platform only]. Boolean
--query, -q Filter which components get selected by component and namespace name. Can be a regex. Example: “^mynamespace/component1$”. String
--query_name Filter which components get selected by component name. Can be a regex. Example: “^component1”. String
--query_namespace, -n Filter which namespaces get selected by namespace name. Can be a regex. Example: “^mynamespace$”. String
--setup Which setup strategy for creating the container to use [Docker Platform only]. String
--src, -s A source directory containing viash config files, possibly structured in a hierarchical folder structure. Default: src/. String
--target, -t A target directory to build the executables into. Default: target/. String
--help, -h Show help message