Nextflow Auto

Automated processing flags which can be toggled on or off.


Type: Either Boolean or String

Default: False

If true, the module’s outputs are automatically published to params.publishDir. If equal to "state", also a .state.yaml file will be published in the publish dir. Will throw an error if params.publishDir is not defined.

Default: false.


Type: Boolean

Default: True

If true, an input tuple only containing only a single File (e.g. ["foo", file("in.h5ad")]) is automatically transformed to a map (i.e. ["foo", [ input: file("in.h5ad") ] ]).

Default: true.


Type: Boolean

Default: False

If true, an output tuple containing a map with a File (e.g. ["foo", [ output: file("out.h5ad") ] ]) is automatically transformed to a map (i.e. ["foo", file("out.h5ad")]).

Default: false.


Type: Boolean

Default: False

If true, the module’s transcripts from work/ are automatically published to params.transcriptDir. If not defined, params.publishDir + "/_transcripts" will be used. Will throw an error if neither are defined.

Default: false.