Executable Runner

Run code as an executable.

This runner is the default runner. It will generate a bash script that can be run directly.

This runner is also used for the native engine.

This runner is also used for the docker engine.


  - type: executable
    port: 8080


Type: String / List of String

Default: Empty

Provide runtime arguments to Docker. See the documentation on docker run for more information.


Type: DockerSetupStrategy

Default: ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild

The Docker setup strategy to use when building a docker engine enrivonment.

Strategy Description
alwaysbuild / build / b Always build the image from the dockerfile. This is the default setup strategy.
alwayscachedbuild / cachedbuild / cb Always build the image from the dockerfile, with caching enabled.
ifneedbebuild Build the image if it does not exist locally.
ifneedbecachedbuild Build the image with caching enabled if it does not exist locally, with caching enabled.
alwayspull / pull / p Try to pull the container from Docker Hub or the specified docker registry.
alwayspullelsebuild / pullelsebuild Try to pull the image from a registry and build it if it doesn’t exist.
alwayspullelsecachedbuild / pullelsecachedbuild Try to pull the image from a registry and build it with caching if it doesn’t exist.
ifneedbepull If the image does not exist locally, pull the image.
ifneedbepullelsebuild If the image does not exist locally, pull the image. If the image does exist, build it.
ifneedbepullelsecachedbuild If the image does not exist locally, pull the image. If the image does exist, build it with caching enabled.
push Push the container to Docker Hub or the specified docker registry.
pushifnotpresent Push the container to Docker Hub or the specified docker registry if the tag does not exist yet.
donothing / meh Do not build or pull anything.


setup_strategy: alwaysbuild


Type: String

Default: executable

Name of the runner. As with all runners, you can give an runner a different name. By specifying id: foo, you can target this executor (only) by specifying ... in any of the Viash commands.


id: foo
id: foo


Type: String / List of String

Default: Empty

A list of enabled ports. This doesn’t change the Dockerfile but gets added as a command-line argument at runtime.


  - 80
  - 8080


Type: String

Specifies the type of the runner.


Type: String

Default: Empty

The working directory when starting the engine. This doesn’t change the Dockerfile but gets added as a command-line argument at runtime.


workdir: /home/user